Wednesday, October 6, 2010


When I started to study dance in the academic setting of a university, I discovered that dance implied so many things than just learning how to move your body in a specific way to the rhythm of a particular music. The connections between dance and "the real world" became evident to me as the practice of dance made me become aware in a sensorial and emotional way of the relationships that we have as human beings with other things in the world. This awareness became also intellectual as I started to read academic works about dance that I didn't even know they existed before I decided to major in dance.
Being a teacher to young children and watching how dance can contribute to their development and education, made my love for this art form grow. Having to point out these benefits over and over to parents and other people who would say "Why bother? It's just dancing! Made me realize that there is not enough understanding about them.
This blog is intended to share with the readers my personal experiences and opinions as I keep on discovering why the art of dance implies something more than dancing. I invite you to read with an open mind and to share your own opinions about the subject.

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